RF lens Price Drop ...
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RF lens Price Drop ?

1 Posts
2 Users
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I'm looking to upgrade from my EF lens setup to RF lenses for my EOS R5 camera. However, RF lenses come at a premium price right now.

Does anyone know if Canon has plans to reduce RF lens prices in the near future? It seems the RF mount has been out for a few years now, so I'm hoping the lens prices start to come down soon as production scales up.

I'm particularly interested in the Canon RF 24-70mm f/2.8L and 70-200mm f/2.8L lenses. But at around $2,300 each, this is a hard pill to swallow. The equivalent EF lenses can be found for nearly half that if you buy used/refurbished.

It's hard to justify spending so much more on the RF versions, but I know they are superior in terms of image quality and feature native communication with the R bodies. I'm just having a difficult time convincing myself to pay the huge premium.

So I'm curious if anyone has heard any news of RF lens price drops this year? Or have an idea of when we could expect to see some discounts? Any insights are much appreciated! I'm trying to decide if I should wait it out a bit longer or just bite the bullet. Thanks!

1 Answer

Maybe in this Summer, or just wait until Black Friday 2024, there will be a lot of deals on Canon RF lenses.
